Taste of Love: Edible Poetry

Poetry in many shapes and forms

edible flowerA unique gift to give to a loved one, 3 in 1:

  1. a love poem
  2.  a one of a kind, handcrafted edible flower
  3. a memorable experience

Edible Flowers: The flowers are made out of wafer paper (potato starch, water and oil), with rose water and food colouring. They were available at Koko Monk (Broadway location) throughout the Hot Chocolate Festival, to February 14, 2020.

The visitors could read a verse about love by a Vancouver poet written on an edible flower. Then, use the flower to stir it into a hot chocolate, let its petals melt like their heart, and consume.

edible poetry at Koko Monk

Edible poetry at Koko Monk

showing a flower

Showing poetry on the flower petals (Photo taken by D.Z)

Poetry Reading was on February 7th at 7:00pm
Featured Poets: Sita Carboni, Rob Taylor, Eva Waldauf, Robin Susanto, Amanda Wardrop, Leanne Boschman, Paul Stacey, Mary Duffy, Bonnie Nish, Kyle Hawke, and Natasha Boskic.

Moments from the event

Taste of Love

If you are interested in having special flowers made only for you, or have other ideas, please contact me at natasha.boskic@onlywords.ca

The process of making edible flowers is explained on a separate page.