Poetry Weaving

Weaving is telling a story in a different way. Poetry is part of that story.



I weave a net from the moonlight, connecting the wells,
so that the drops can travel and meet,
bursting in a lovers’ kiss, ending in a new life.

Size: 50cm x 40cm (20in x 16in)

wall hanging


Thank you!
I will take all of you.
I may leave only your shoelaces

Size: 50cm x 40cm (20in x 16in)

Circular weaving


A hole, a paint inside
the hole, a breath inside
the paint, a choke inside
the breath, a name inside
the choke, a letter inside
the name, an “i” inside
the letter, a dot on the top of
the “i”, the hole inside
the dot.

Size: 31cm (12in)

Full House

I will let you go,
but your cold will still be my cold,
your cry, my cry,
your happiness, my happiness.
When you call me in my dream,
I’ll come no matter what.
I’ll tear my iron shoes
tracing your footsteps
to the new land.

In your own world
let the window stay open
for your mother to see
that you heart beats cherry red,
my child.

Size: 90cm x 36cm (35.5in x 14in)

Happy birthday!

Circular weaving

Size: 22cm (8.5in)


So tempting, this clear depth,
the transparent blue and green.

A seagull floats
above our heads,
wings spread wide.

We swim, following its shadow
on the water, gliding.

Size: 30cm (12in)


Grand Bazaar

Pick up your dreams
from the floor,
colour them in tints of life.

Uncover the body and the verses,
tattoo the day
with everlasting ink.

Size: 90cm x 36cm (35.5in x 14in)

The God's Navel

An epicenter of the universe,
the God’s navel,
a lifeline in the past
and now its knot,
a leftover after the final cut
of the umbilical cord of mother Earth.
This land of water and fire,
with molten rock finding its way to the ocean,
ceased halfway through its birth.

Size: 80cm x 40cm (31.5in x 15.5in)


The windows with lacy and embroidered curtains tell stories.
They have puppets and figurines looking
at the passers-by,
waiting to be noticed.
Magic lives of elves, trolls and giants,
where the winters are so white,
and horses so tame.

Size: 90cm x 36cm (35.5in x 14in)


When you go away
a spark is left on dry leaves in the forest
to long for a raindrop to murder it,
or for the sun to burst into flames.

Size: 70cm x 50cm (30in x 20in)


I scoop the time that is melting,
mixing the minutes and years of hunger
with the seconds of blue hope.

Size: 30cm x 22cm (12in x 8.5in)

Birds' Song

Words: Birds, shared memories, a constant rerun, eucalyptus trees, place somewhere else, I wanted everything, indecipherable infinity of your death, sifting grain by grain, tastes that we recognize.

Size: 64cm x 30cm (25in x 12in)


25 years had separated us,
while we searched for our place
on the opposite sides of the globe,
disappeared in the length of our breaths.
Although long gone, you are still our connection.
Our hands, our arms, our bodies
write letters, words, stories
about you,
synchronized with our hugs.
Calligraphy of love.

Size: 65 x 35cm (25.5in x 14in)


This is how you disappeared:
Falling through the cracks
on the Icelandic glacier,
like a tiny snowflake
you landed on my tongue,
losing its shape,
melting unnoticeably
and unmemorably.

Size: 100cm x 50cm (40in x 20in)


You have fallen into your life
like into winter gloves,
cozy, but untouchable,
like Wednesday into
the middle of the week,
like 7pm into the evening.

Size: 50cm x 15cm (20in x 6in)


You are the hardest poem
I've ever written.
The trails through
your body and mind
still impenetrable.

Just and idea
of a destination.

Size: 70cm x 30cm (27.5in x 12in)

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