Flight over the clouds, 2017

Building a strong team at the Faculty of Education has been an extraordinary process. Selecting individuals for our team who are not only engaged in their role and dedicated to providing quality service, but who also bring new and complementary energy to the office, has been vital for our growth as a unit. Each member is an important part of the UBC community, providing input, sharing experiences and knowledge, learning from others, and making important decisions.

My role is to make strategic decisions and lead the Faculty of Education members in navigating digital learning environments. I value my ability to see a “big picture” and envision a type of possible reality for our work. Through this lens, I make choices about tools and technologies, and decide on implementation, support and maintenance. I also hire and supervise employees, looking after their needs and the priorities of the Faculty and the University.

The UBC Faculty of Education was ranked number one in Canada in 2016, and its list of values and achievements would not be complete without mentioning the work of my unit, Educational Technology Support (ETS). I am very proud of our involvement in FoE and UBC’s accomplishments . I am honoured when other Faculties on campus seek guidance and advice from our team. I have advised on important university decisions around learning technologies, such as being a member of the Evaluation Committee (8 persons) for the Learning Technology Renewal project in 2017, selecting a Learning Management System (LMS) replacement.
